Local Charities
At SimienEcoTours we see it as one of our commitments while operating tours in a developing country in Africa to contribute actively with part of our yearly profit to developments in the tourism sector but also beyond.
Over the last years we work together long-term with several charity projects and donate instant short-term aid whenever needed.
Wheelchair Center in Addis Ababa
Addis Guzo Wheelchair Center holds activities such as delivering wheelchairs and providing service and maintenance for disabled people who are using wheelchairs. Economic empowerment activities to encourage self sufficiency, social integration and communication and collaboration with stakeholders are other important tasks of the organization.
Addis Guzo is a partner of SimienEcoTours since 2013 and support is ongoing.
Yenege Tesfa in Gondar
Yenege Tesfa means 'Hope for tomorrow' and it creates the future opportunities to many needy people in Gondar and the Simien Mountains. The organization provides shelters for street children and providing them educational support. Livelihood programmes for single mothers, a mobile school in Gondar and provision of health support services are other activities of the NGO.
Yenege Tesfa is a partner of SimienEcoTours since 2018 and support is ongoing.
Girls Gotta Run Foundation
The groups of young women were founded over the last years by the Girls Gotta Run Foundation, a non-profit organisation that provides support for impoverished Ethiopian girls and their families. The running training is going along with educational activities and allows them to stay in school, avoid early marriage, and enhance their personal economic opportunities, their sense of well being and personal power.
SimienEcoTours supports these projects since 2010 and support is ongoing.

Elementary school for handicapped children in Debark
Disabilities are often stigmatized in Ethiopia. Communities and famalies don't know how to deal with disabilities as they are often seen as religious punishments. SimienEcoTours therefore supports the elementary school in Debark with special needs materials for its disabled pupils.
SimienEcoTours supports the school since 2014 and support is ongoing.

Tree nursery sites in Simien Mountains National Park
Many regions in Ethiopia suffer from deforestation and with it soil erosion. Many indigenous plant and tree species therefore disappeared over the last decades. Especially, ecosystems such as Simien Mountain National Park lost vast amounts of their biodiversity. Initiated by SimienEcoTours a tree nursery site has been implemented in Simien Mountains and handed over to local bodies to support aforestation of the region.

Rubbish dumps on campsites in Simien Mountain National Park
Waste management has not been tackled efficiently by park authorities with increasing tourist numbers in Ethiopia's national parks. Especially, around commonly used camp sites in Simien Mountain National Park uncontrolled rubbish disposal increased, attracted and also killed wildlife. On the initiative of SimienEcoTours propper animal-safe rubbish dumps have been established.
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